Project summary

Goverment-sponsored researches:

5.ME Key Research Base for Humanities and Social Sciences Major Project,Research on Electricity Transition Pathways and Policies under the Carbon Neutral Vision 2060,Member
Original granter name:教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目
Original project name:2060年碳中和愿景下的电力转型路径与政策研究
Project PI:Wenying Chen(陈文颖教授)
Grant No.:22JJD480001
4.NSFC International Cooperation and Exchange Project,Socio-Techno-Economic Pathways for sustainable Urban energy development (STEP-UP),Member
Original granter name:国家自然科学基金国际合作项目
Original project name:城市能源系统可持续发展:政策设计,运营优化与市场协调
Project PI:Chongqing Kang(康重庆教授)
Grant No.:71961137004
3.NSFC International Cooperation and Exchange Project,Multi-model innovations in Integrated Assessment Modelling of Global, Chinese, and Irish energy-economy-environment-climate systems investigating deep decarbonisation pathways from the Paris Agreement to the United Nations sustainable development goals (CHIMERA),Member
Original granter name:国家自然科学基金国际合作项目
Original project name:可持续能源环境转型之路:全球和中爱能源-经济-环境-气候多模型创新集成模拟
Project PI:Wenying Chen(陈文颖教授)
Grant No.:51861135102
2.MST National Key Research and Development Program,Research on Global Governance and Domestic Responses to Climate Change Risks,Member
Original granter name:科技部重点研发计划重点专项
Original program name:气候变化风险的全球治理与国内应对关键问题研究
Program PI:Qingchen Chao(巢清尘研究员)
Project name:Simulation of synergistic governance pathways to address climate change and the economy, society and environment in China
Original project name:我国应对气候变化与经济社会环境协同治理路径模拟研究
Project PI:Wenying Chen(陈文颖教授)
Grant No.:2018YFC1509006
1.MSFC Major Program,Research on Green and Low-carbon Eeconomy Transformation Management and Policy,Member
Original granter name:国家自然科学基金重大项目
Original program name:绿色低碳发展转型中的关键管理科学问题与政策研究
Program PI:Xiliang Zhang(张希良教授)
Project name:Study on international climate governance and cooperation mechanisms
Original project name:国际气候治理与合作机制研究
Project PI:Wenying Chen(陈文颖教授)
Grant No.:71690243

Corporate-sponsored researches:

6.EU Horizon Europe,New Pathways for Equitable Climate Action in Line with the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development (NEWPATHWAYS),Member
Project PI:Wenying Chen(陈文颖教授)
5.CNNC,Methodological research on carbon emission accounting for the nuclear energy industry chain,Member
Original granter name:中核集团
Original project name:核能产业链碳排放核算方法学研究
Project PI:Wenying Chen(陈文颖教授)
4.EU DG-CLIMA,Climate pOlicy assessment and Mitigation Modeling to Integrate national and global TransiTion pathways for Environmental-friendly Development(COMMITTED),Member
Progject PI:Wenying Chen(陈文颖教授)
Grant No.:CLIMA/2022/EA-RP-0007
3.World Bank Group,Green China: Towards Cleaner and More Sustainable Growth,Member
Project PI:Wenying Chen(陈文颖教授)
Grant No.:7202065
2.EU Horizon 2020,Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions(ENGAGE),Member
Project PI:Wenying Chen(陈文颖教授)
Grant No.:821471
1.EU Horizon 2020,Linking Climate and Development Policies-Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing(CD-LINKS),Member
Project PI:Wenying Chen(陈文颖教授)
Grant No.:642147