
CHIMERA – Multi-model innovations in Integrated Assessment Modelling of Global, Chinese, and Irish energy-economy-environment-climate systems investigating deep decarbonisation pathways from the Paris Agreement to the United Nations sustainable development goals

The Paris Agreement achieves global consensus on the ambition to limit anthropogenic climate warming to “well below 2°C” and to pursue efforts towards 1.5°C.

Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are a key methodological tool for systematically investigating long-term trade-offs between the energy system, the climate system, and the broader socio-economic systems. Such models play an important role in underpinning the scientific debate on climate change mitigation and adaptation options. Their results inform assessments by bodies such as the IPCC and feed directly or indirectly into advice taken up by national and international policymakers, industry, regulators, and citizens groups.

In this project, we investigate the ambitious Paris Agreement 1.5˚C goal, through novel integrated multi-model multi-scale coupling of detailed technology-rich energy systems models for China, Ireland, and the World.

We aim to outline the impacts of additional costs and trade-offs of rapid deep decarbonisation, and give critical insights into technology roadmaps and policy pathways on how the zero carbon transition to sustainability could affect societal sectors and household income groups.

We aim to quantify the impacts of a zero-carbon energy system upon local-air pollution, public health, water quality, climate damages, employment, and economic stimulus.

More information can be found at Here.