Climate pOlicy assessment and Mitigation Modeling to Integrate national and global TransiTion pathways for Environmental-friendly Development

COMMITTED is an international project funded by the European Commission’s Directorate on Climate (DG CLIMA). The project aims to enhance sharing of good practices on greenhouse gas emissions modelling between EU and Asian countries. The Consortium comprises major global integrated assessment modelling teams as well as institutions from major Asian economies.

There are no pathways to reaching globally agreed climate targets without major-emitting emerging Asian economies (as well as other G20 economies) taking significant steps towards climate neutrality. The COMMITTED project intends to reinforce global climate change mitigation efforts by supporting developing countries’ experts’ work on national and sectoral GHG emissions modelling, strengthen capacity building for GHG emissions modelling and exchange best practices and know-how between leading EU and Asian modelers (including China and India), working closely with the government.

More information can be found at Here.