
An up-to-date list is available on my Google scholar profile.

Journal Articles

  1. Provincial
    Provincial pathways to carbon-neutral energy systems in China considering interprovincial electricity transmission development
    Qiang Zhang , Shu Zhang, and Wenying Chen*
    Applied Energy, Dec 2024
  2. SDG
    Targeting net-zero emissions while advancing other sustainable development goals in China
    Nature Sustainability, Jul 2024
  3. CCS
    China’s multi-sector-shared CCUS networks in a carbon-neutral vision
    Haotian Tang, Wenying Chen*Shu Zhang , and Qianzhi Zhang
    iScience, Apr 2023
  4. GCAM
    China’s industrial decarbonization in the context of carbon neutrality: A sub-sectoral analysis based on integrated modelling
    Tianming Shao, Xunzhang Pan* , Xiang Li, Sheng ZhouShu Zhang, and Wenying Chen
    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Dec 2022
  5. China TIMES
    China’s Energy Transition Pathway in a Carbon Neutral Vision
    Shu Zhang, and Wenying Chen*
    Engineering, Jul 2022
  6. Uncertainty
    Assessing the energy transition in China towards carbon neutrality with a probabilistic framework
    Shu Zhang, and Wenying Chen*
    Nature Communications, Jan 2022
  7. CCS
    Assessing Representative CCUS Layouts for China’s Power Sector toward Carbon Neutrality
    Haotian Tang , Shu Zhang, and Wenying Chen*
    Environmental Science & Technology, Jul 2021
  8. TIMES
    Modeling the Rapid Development of Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Technology Under China Carbon Neutral Scenario Based on China-TIMES Model
    Shu Zhang, and Wenying Chen*
    Energy proceedings, Dec 2020
  9. Load
    Load probability density forecasting by transforming and combining quantile forecasts
    Shu ZhangYi Wang* , Yutian Zhang , Dan Wang, and Ning Zhang
    Applied Energy, Nov 2020

Technical Reports

  1. Multi model
    Synthesis Report 2022 on China’s Carbon Neutrality: Electrification in China’s Carbon Neutrality Pathways
    Nov 2022


  1. Thesis
    Assessing the Energy Transition, Synergies and Uncertainties toward Carbon Neutrality in China
    Shu Zhang
    Tsinghua University . in Chinese , May 2024